TTLC 2021: Reimagining Teaching, Learning, and Engagement
The 2021 Transformational Teaching and Learning Conference reimagined teaching, learning, and engaging. With a fully online experience in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference showcased the theme Reimagining Teaching, Learning, and Engagement, with a broad range of opportunities to consider innovations needed for the current context. The 2021 conference program included one day of synchronous, online plenary and breakout sessions, along with more than 125 asynchronous presentations submitted by faculty and reviewed by the committee.Program Recap
The 2021 conference hosted Dr. John Spencer, assistant professor of education and author, to share expertise on student engagement and ownership of learning. Dr. Spencer's recent books, Launch and Empower, offered challenge teachers and learners alike to cultivate self-direction and creativity in learning decisions, and formed the foundational inspiration for the conference theme. Texas A&M colleagues shared their own insights on reimagining teaching and learning.View the full program.

Celebrating & Sharing Excellence
Every year at TTLC, we celebrate excellence in teaching at Texas A&M University by presenting the annual Presidential Professor of Teaching Excellence awards and the annual University Professorships for Undergraduate Teaching Excellence. At the 2021 conference, we were delighted also to recognize the Texas A&M recipient of the prestigious Piper Professorship, with only ten recipients across the state of Texas.Honorees from previous years also contributed asynchronous presentations in sync with the theme.
Thank you to all who made the 2021 conference program a success!
2021 Steering Committee, special recognition to Dr. Heather Wilkinson, Dr. Debra Fowler, and Dr. Jocelyn Widmer.
Office of the Dean of Faculties staff, special recognition to Sandra Harnden and Lauren Ware.
Center for Teaching Excellence staff, special recognition to Jean Layne, Sherri MacWillie, and Kristy Brubaker.
Academic Innovation staff, special recognition to Kevin Lawonto.