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2023 Proposal Submissions Due

Event Time: Wednesday, February 8, 2023 11:59 PM

The TTLC 2023 steering committee releases a university-wide call for proposals to submit proposed contributions to the 2023 Transformational Teaching and Learning Conference. TTLC 2023 will showcase the theme Relevance, Opportunity, and Influence in which we explore the learning experiences that best prepare graduates for the digital age. This year will include two days with invited plenary sessions, a 40th-anniversary celebration of the CTE, interactive participant-driven facilitated sessions following the popular “unconference” trend, and the highly anticipated return of concurrent in-person presentations by Texas A&M colleagues.  

Submissions should align with one or more tracks aligned with the conference theme:

  • Relevance of human intuition & social learning: Focusing on what only humans can do in the digital age of teaching and learning. 
  • Opportunities afforded by digital learning: Teaching with AI as a partner, not an enemy. 
  • Influence of intentional mentoring: Reflecting on the enduring impact of key moments in our individual learning, recognizing how they ultimately impact the way we can influence the learning of others
  • Relevance of well-being: Keeping perspective in the pursuit of high standards. 
  • Opportunities for assessment: Setting clear intentions for learning and using appropriate assessment to determine progress.
  • Influence of innovations in teaching and learning: Supporting identity and skill development through authentic learning activities.